Rosemary the Valentine Fairy
Her friend Dulcina is for sale in my shop as well as Rosemary!
Go on...take a look! They are really cute!
And you can take them out of their boxes...
just make sure not to let them fly away!
I've been working my fingers to the bone...hopefully something will come from it!
Even though I LOVE creating things, one must stay lucide and realize that it takes money to make these creations...and that is something I DO NOT have a lot of. Boo-hoo!!!
I don't know what I am doing wrong/or NOT doing right, but not many sales lately. Should I say "NO SALES".
Any tips from fellow starving artists out there?
Don't let it get you down, the economy is bad and people are just realizing how much they spent at the holidays. Things will pick up and your pixie is adorable!